In the documentary film AMBULANCE, the young filmmaker Mohamed Jabaly follows Palestinian ambulance drivers through the 51-day-long war between Israel and Gaza in 2014.

For Jabaly, the camera is both a tool of work and a steady anchor in a chaotic and tragic period when everything around him threatens to explode at any moment.

AMBULANCE is a brutal and shockingly realistic portrayal of the war on the streets of Gaza. By allowing us to get so close to the people doing their best to limit the damage caused by destructive actions, Jabaly creates an understanding of the realities of war that often is absent in depictions that focus on the bigger picture.

Mohamed Jabaly is currently premiering his latest film Al haya helwa - Life is Beautiful at the prestigious documentary festival IDFA.

All proceeds go in full to Doctors Without Borders' work in Gaza.

In the film there is both English and Arabic speech, when it is Arabic, there will be English subtitles, and when it is English there will be no subtitles.

Screening in support of civilians in Gaza

The human suffering unfolding in Gaza is appalling. In collaboration with Arab Film Days, Vega Scene, and an initiative from filmmakers Mats Grorud, Dalia Al-Kury, Kaveh Tehrani, and Tonje Skar Reiersen, we will be screening the film AMBULANCE by Mohamed Jabaly from 2016 on Sunday, November 19, at Vega Scene.

We support the work of Doctors Without Borders and demand an immediate ceasefire to stop the bloodshed in Gaza. The siege must end to allow sufficient and vital emergency aid to enter.

This film is part of

Screening in support of civilians in Gaza Film fra Sør

Country Palestine, Norway

Year 2016

Director Mohamed Jabaly

Screenplay Mohamed Jabaly

Cinematography Mohamed Jabaly

Producer John Arvid Berger

Runtime 1h 20m

Language Arabic

Subtitles English

Genre Documentary

Format DCP

Age limit 15

Links IMDb

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