Bassem Youssef felt someone had to make fun of Egyptian politicians and media in the aftermath of the Arab Spring. Therefore, he left his job as a surgeon and found the inspiration he needed from the American TV-show “The Daily Show.” Youssef started his own YouTube-channel that quickly became extremely popular. And it didn’t take long before the YouTube hit was picked up by television and transformed into “The Show,” inspired by John Stewart’s show. Youssef’s political satire had over 30 million viewers at most, and this documentary follows Youssef from the very beginning, throughout the huge success and the growing defiance lead by the government who opposed his satire. Tickling Giants tells the story of how powerful humor can be, but it also shows how freedom of speech in Egypt isn’t as free as some say. This movie is made with the same kind of humor and satire Youssef himself uses, and shows the severe consequences he experiences making fun of a government.

Sara Taksler has been working as a researcher and story pitcher for ”The Daily Show” with Jon Stewart for over a decade. She has made a couple of documentaries, like TWISTED: A Balloonamertary, and worked on several TV shows. Today, she mostly works as a producer.

Read this interview with Youssef from the Hollywood Reporter.

Panel discussion: "Can we joke with dictators?"

Comedians in the Arab world are being arrested and have to flee from their homes. But how dangerous is satire for the Arab dictators?

After the screening of Tickling Giants, Sunday 2nd of April in Vika 2, we invite you to a panel conversation. Buy tickets to the screening here.

Year 2016

Director Sara TAKSLER

Runtime 1h 51m